A motion put forward by Liberal Democrat councillor Mark Wilkes will be debated at Full Council on Wednesday 31st October. It will be seconded by councillor Sam Zair (Bishop Auckland), and member of the Durham Independent Group.
Councillor Wilkes (Framwellgate & Newton Hall) explained “I am certain that we will get cross-party support for ensuring that Bishop Auckland Hospital is not downgraded further. This issue impacts everyone in County Durham. Closing Ward 6 will pile more pressure on other services in other areas, as well as further undermining this hospital.”
The Councillor has sent an advanced copy of his motion to all 126 Labour, Conservative and independent councillors.
Ward 6 at the hospital provides step-down care for patients who no longer require doctors’ care but are not ready to return home.
Fellow Lib Dem Craig Martin (North Lodge) raises further concerns about the closure plans. “Across the County, every councillor is concerned about the impact that changes at Bishop Auckland could have. In Chester-le-Street we have an excellent facility with hard working staff.”
“However, removing more and more beds from our local hospitals wherever they are in the region, simply piles pressure on elsewhere. This is why everyone needs to get behind this campaign to halt the Ward 6 closure.”
A packed public meeting on Thursday night organised by Labour MP Helen Goodman, at Bishop Auckland Town Hall, saw health officials and the MP challenged over the issue.
A temporary reprieve is in place for the hospital until November 15th when a public Overview and Scrutiny meeting will be held at County Hall. Councillor Wilkes says this is simply a ‘delaying tactic’ and will call on all 126 Durham County Councillors to demand the Secretary of State for Health intervenes and halts the plans.
Lib Dem Group leader Councillor Amanda Hopgood says “I can’t think of a worse time to announce these plans, just before cold weather sets in, not knowing what’s ahead this winter. We already have serious pressures on community care in County Durham and removing these beds right now is going to make matters worse.”
The meeting of the County Council on October 31st starts at 10am and is open to the public. The Scrutiny meeting starts at 9.30am on November 15th.