Dear Sir,

Independent councillor Ken Robson is perhaps being a little over-exuberant when he states that “Newton Aycliffe is one of the most beautiful towns in the United Kingdom” – Newton News 19 March 2021. He says that not many councils provide free coach trips for the elderly, a fireworks display and Santa tours but I do admire his obvious enthusiasm and love for our town. He is correct in what he says. Cynics may point out that these events only happen once a year but they do bring our community together. Ken also correctly points out the lovely parks and walks like the Great Aycliffe Way. These are available all year round. Ken clearly knows what he is talking about but it needs to be made clear that these amenities have been provided for many years by a Labour run Town Council – I will repeat this for effect – a Labour run Town Council.

Many people do not take much interest in local government politics. If people are satisfied with the services that they are receiving they tend to just get on enjoying them without even thinking about it. It is only when these services are taken away that people suddenly realise that something that they used to enjoy is no longer available. By then it’s too late.

So, to the Liberal Democrats ideas for how our town should be ran. Reducing the number of representatives on the council, engaging in a war on waste and reducing the council tax whilst at the same time maintaining services at the same level – NN 12 March 2021. Really?! No outline yet of where this waste has been identified and no transparency on how these savings will effect services. When the Liberal Democrats talk about savings, they actually mean cuts. Of course, they have a lot of experience in making cuts. Let’s remember their time in the Coalition government when they were willing partners to a massive programme of cuts to local government. These cuts led to local authorities taking actions that have already forced them to cut to the bone. The exercise in waste reduction has already been taken. The Liberal Democrats need to come clean with the electorate and explain where these cuts will be made.

Stephen Braithwaite