Newton Aycliffe resident, Maria Tribley is embarking into Self Employment thanks to the GAMP AAP’s flagship ‘Step into Business’ scheme. Maria first considered Self Employment as a means to use her skills as a hairdresser to build her own business after working with staff at South Durham Enterprise Agency. Working through her businesses plan Maria accessed the GAMP Scheme to provide vital grant funding, used to purchase the equipment needed to get her new business started. Maria commented: “Thanks to the GAMP scheme and invaluable advice and guidance from Marzia at SDEA I have been able to start my own business”. Maria is now running her mobile hairdressing business in and around the Newton Aycliffe area, bringing salon standard service to people’s homes.  GAMP Coordinator Adam White commented: “Maria’s new business is going well thanks to her own determination and the ‘Step into Business’ scheme. The Step into Business project is funded by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Area Action Partnership and aims to provide support to assist new business starts in the AAP area. Support consists of one to one advice and guidance, targeted workshops and a small grant fund aimed at new business start ups. South Durham Enterprise Agency Ltd manage and deliver the Step into Business Project and provide one to one advice and guidance to individuals looking to start new businesses in the South Durham Area, including the GAMP AAP area. Individuals can access the scheme by contacting SDEA on 01388 776688 or emailing enquiries@