When I first set off to provide 24hr AED units I was adamant that whilst it was important to provide potential life saving equipment, awareness of defibrillator use and CPR skills were just as important.

This also was a great way to get the message out to the public to develop the campaign for more units.

We all know from the numerous articles in the Newton News how well the public has responded.

The latest units at St Mary’s and Aycliffe Village have now provided opportunities for further awareness courses.

The latest course attended by members of the newly formed Residents Group at Aycliffe Village has now taken our numbers of students to four hundred.

The intention is to make our residents aware of the location of units, how to access them, how to use, and basic CPR skills.

The odds are that if you need to use a unit there is a 75% chance it will be a member of your family or someone you know.

Would you know what to do?

Further courses supported by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Area Partnership via all seven of our County Councillors, British Heart Foundation and North East Ambulance are being arranged.

Next sessions are at:

Neville Community Centre

Wednesday 28th August 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Saturday 31st August 10am to Noon

Aycliffe Village Community

Saturday 14th September 9am to 11am

Please contact David Sutton-Lloyd to book a course or find out more 01325 316144 or email woodham.community@gmail.com