• Diocese of Durham COVID-19 updates are provided on various aspects of church and community life through the Diocesan Website here: https://durhamdiocese.org/covid-19/

Recent Stories

Stories of Hope – how churches are changing with respect to the COVID-19 Pandemic and doing church in new ways.

• A wide range of churches across the Diocese are providing ‘church’ online through Facebook Live-Streaming, YouTube channels, Zoom gatherings and regular updates on websites. A directory of churches providing online content is here: https://durhamdiocese.org/covid-19/live-streamed-services/

• Throughout Holy Week and Easter, the Diocese will be putting out Daily Reflections each morning at 9 am starting on Palm Sunday 5th April and ending on Easter Day. The content will be provided via https://durhamdiocese.org/covid-19/ and https://www.facebook.com/durhamdiocese

• The Bishop of Durham will be Live Streaming services from his home-office on Maundy Thursday and Easter Day via the Durham Cathedral and Diocese of Durham Facebook Pages. 11 am Maundy Thursday for the Renewal of Vows for Clergy, and 11.15 am on Easter Day for a service of Eucharist (Holy Communion).

• Also on Easter Day SING RESURRECTION will be occurring, a project that started in Durham and is now being adopted across the country by Churches Together. The idea is to stand at your front door, or gate, or open flat windows at 10 am and sing ‘Jesus Christ is Risen Today’ and ‘Thine be the glory’.