Durham County school leavers’ destination survey shows that almost all of Woodham Academy students have been successful in continuing in education, employment or training following their excellent GCSE results in the summer.
The school’s NEET (not in education, employment or training) figure of 1.9% is the lowest ever and compares favourably with local averages.
What is especially noticeable is the number of Woodham Academy students securing high quality apprenticeships.  At double the Durham County average, it is clear that Woodham Academy’s careers education is paying off.
Last year, Woodham Academy, together with local companies launched the Apprenticeship Awareness Challenge to promote opportunities available in Aycliffe and the immediate area.
The annual Apprentice competition run by Gestamp has also helped young people to appreciate the possibilities open to them. All Year 11 students at Woodham Academy are guided by specially trained teachers to help them to be successful in applying for education, training and employment.  Woodham Academy was awarded the Careers Education kitemark in July for excellence in careers guidance.
woodham leavers