Ex-Newtonian, Stephen Creaney, compiled an interesting and informative book entitled “Newton Aycliffe, A Long History of a New Town”. The book took many months of research and records the town from before its inception into the new millennium.
Stephen wanted to keep everything as local to Newton Aycliffe as possible and contracted Newton Press to print and sell the books on his behalf. From which the proceeds would all go to a local charity.
Stephen was born in 1952 and lived in Clarence Green and later moved to Clarence Chare. He attended Sugar Hill Primary School and then Ferryhill Grammar Technical before Durham and Newcastle Universities.
Stephen was employed in the oil industry, which took him all around the world, but always returning to Newton Aycliffe to visit family.
“I compiled this book as a way of ‘giving back’ to the town I grew up in and will never forget. I’d like to thank everyone that bought the book and to Rotary Newton Aycliffe for helping those in need at Christmas. I’d also like to thank Newton Press and Mandy Bloom for making the publication happen,” said Stephen.
The book demonstrates early maps of the area as well as illustrations, photographs, early records, first residents and businesses on the industrial estate, there is even a record of the 1951 census.
Over the last few months Newton Press have taken on the task of selling the books, as well as posting to different parts of the UK – we are also aware that the book has been sent to ex-Newtonians around the world including Africa, Australia, America, France and Spain.
Rotary President, Trish Pemberton, said “As President of Rotary at a time of crisis, due to Covid-19, we have had to find new ways to raise money as our traditional methods, such as collecting in Tesco and our Santa Sleigh tours, cannot be achieved. So to have a totally unexpected and substantial donation come out of the blue could not be more welcome. We will make sure that every penny goes to helping the people of Newton Aycliffe, coming as it does, from an ex-Newtonian, such as Stephen.”
“Our grateful thanks go to Mr Creaney for his very wonderful donation, to Newton Press, a key partner through Syd Howarth (who will never forget) and his family. Christmas really does bring blessings”, said Trish.
Photo: Rotary President, Trish Pemberton receiving a cheque for £3000 from the sale of the books from Paul, Stuart and Christopher Howarth.