Monday 27th of October saw a merry band of ACORN families set off from the Royal British Legion Club to Blackpool.
Despite a dull morning and a minor mechanical problem our remarkable driver Baz got us safely to Blackpool around lunchtime when we disembarked into a very busy seaside scene.
From Madame Tussaudes wax works, the historic piers, trams, horse drawn vehicles to donkeys on the beach Blackpool retains its reputation as the No. 1 seaside of the Northwest.
Of course the famous Blackpool Tower, the ballroom and the Winter Gardens are great attractions but for excited children they are eclipsed by Candy Rock, Candy Floss and ice cream.
Surprisingly there was not a “kiss me quick” hat in sight but then times are changing and many children were waving fluorescent glow-in-the-dark wands, swords and windmills.
The jewel in Blackpool’s crown of course is the illuminations which certainly didn’t disappoint with their magnificent depictions. Small children and some adults were awed by these illuminated creations.
It is always very gratifying to me as Chairman of ACORN to see people return happy but tired from a great day out. Our community is seeing great benefits from the interaction involved in the myriad of events which we organise. Slowly we are closing the generational gap and drawing people out into the community.
Grateful thanks to all those people involved behind the scenes for making these magical adventures possible. Councillors Kate Hopper and Eddy Adam for supporting ACORN through their member funding, J & C Coaches for transporting us safely and of course Christine and Leanne who work so hard at organising trips.
Ken Robson
Chairman 01325 321471
ACORN Blackpool Adventure