Monday 4th February was the date, in the newly refurbished Sheraton Bar at The Big Club, for ACE to hold their first meeting since Christmas.
The agenda items were dealt with swiftly and efficiently by Geoff Batchelor, Chairman of ACE. He welcomed all present, those regular faces plus some new faces. The Assistant Secretary Ron Mitchie gave a report on behalf of the Trustees and he highlighted that the Trustees had unanimously proposed that he be appointed the first annual President of the partnership, which he was happy to accept with the proviso it didn’t stop him doing what he was currently doing in respect of growing ACE. The trustees also identified the position of the bank account and funding bids.
The Treasurer, Joan, referred to a report that had been circulated electronically showing the current position of the partnership at the end of the 3rd quarter of the year. Reserves were being built up and funding was ring fenced for capital and discretionary funding requests.
The Treasurer said she was delighted to announce that a funding bid from Awards for All had been received for £10,000 to enable ACE to continue with promoting the organisation with literature, signage, necessary equipment to refurbish the office which they were using. Tables, Chairs, Storage, Computer, Projectors, Monitors, Pop up Banners etc. She said she was very excited that ACE was now on track to work towards the vision of a Community Welfare Hub of Syd Howarth. The chairman congratulated Joan on all the work she had done to secure this funding bid.
Guest speakers were Debbie Unsworth and Sam Scotchbrook and Debbie from One Point Young People Services told how One Point supported families and young people in need in the former Sedgefield area. Sam, the Network Development Officer for Advice in County Durham, explained the origin of advice being a collaboration between CAB and DCC. Advice in County Durham is a new initiative making it easier for you to access the right advice and support. Whether you are an individual looking for help and advice or an organisation looking to signpost a client to get the right help, we can help. There are currently 170 members as part of Advice and members of ACE have also benefitted from information received from them. ACE were to look to join Advice for the benefit of those making enquiries for support.
ACE meet on the first Monday of each week at 3.45pm, if anyone is interested please do not hesitate to contact the Assistant Secretary on or telephone on 07749 236853.
ACE Funding Bid