We sat in front of our TV screens to pay our respects to our Queen. The world and his wife was there, Heads of states, and King Charles, her heir. The mood was sombre as we watched the procession. To Westminster Abbey where she married and took solemn vows on her Royal accession. Each military man and woman on parade, Gave their all with each careful step they made, Proud and immaculate to serve their Queen and country, Watched by the world from the working man to royalty and gentry. We looked on as her Majesty passed well loved places, After a tribute ceremony praising her loyalty, deep faith, wisdom and graces. A last journey passed by Buckingham Palace, On the journey to Windsor where she felt at home, And close to her dear Prince, so never alone. Staff, and her horse, corgis too, Lined up to pay tribute as the hearse came into view. A few more prayers and hymns of praise brought to end an era, Our Elizabethan age. Thank you Ma’am, enjoy your well earned rest, You were unique, so well loved and quite simply the best. MMK 19/9/22
A Day of Tribute