Zanshin Kai Karate, based at Woodham Community Centre, recently held their first club grading of the year and our instructor team were impressed with the hard work and effort shown by all our students who went on to successfully gain their new belts.
Congratulations to our Red Dragons Cadets (5-10 years):
9th Mon Red Belt: Logan and Ava Morrallee, Jaxon and Jude Ross and Zoori Bharti.
8th Mon Yellow Belt: Roman Tinkler, Jack Arnott, Katie Walsh and Alice Bizukojc.
6th Mon Green Belt: Esme Massey, Claudia Dunn, Ellis Newton, Harrison Field, Oliver Spink and Lewis Crompton.
5th Mon Blue Belt: Archie Moss, Eva Nisbet, Alan Field and Ollie Mincher.
This followed our earlier Senior class grading last month and we would also like to congratulate those who also successfully passed their grading then too:
8th Kyu Yellow: Olivia Nisbet, Amber Taylor, Oliver Ridley and Shell Dunn.
7th Kyu: Nathan Killiman.
5th Kyu: Erin Sutherland and Macey McLean.
1st Kyu Brown Belt: Julia Quinonez.
Great work everyone.
If you have ever wanted to try karate, then we would like to invite you to come and join us, all newcomers get four weeks free trial classes. Classes are held on Thursdays: 5.45pm-6.45pm Red Dragons (Cadets) and Sunday: 4.15pm-6.15pm Juniors and Adults.
Contact: Zanshin-Kai Karate at Woodham Community Centre,
Tel: 07917 203421 / 07921 330796 or
Facebook (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).
Zanshin Kai Karate Gradings