A group of 5 students from Woodham Community Technology College have made it to the final of the Challenge 10 STEMNET competition, a national Mathematics, Science and Technology Competition. The successful students were rated in the top 8 in the United Kingdom in a competition with over 500 entries. They have been awarded a place in the finals in London on the 6th July.
The competition is a partnership between Cisco, the brains behind the Olympic stadium, and STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network). The challenge was to plan a major sporting event that would excite and inspire, transform the local area and showcase local and national talent.
For the Challenge entries, students had to choose a sport and a location, and work out what resources, facilities and equipment would be needed for the event. They also had to provide enough evidence to convince a panel of judges that their event is accessible and sustainable, and that it will leave a lasting legacy for the local area. It also had to promote the three Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect and incorporate their science, maths and technology skills.
After having received an impressive 47 out of a possible 50 marks in the local judging heats, the students are now off to the finals on the 6th July 2012 to make their presentation to the judges while overlooking the impressive Olympic village. If the students reach the top three then they will be rewarded with a donation to the school’s STEM club as well as tickets to the Olympic games and a plethora of London 2012 merchandise. Let’s wish the students good luck and hope they can bring home the gold medal.

Left to right: Ryan Metcalfe, Scott Dawson, Natasha Blackburn, Caitlin Hindle and Brenna Finn.