There’s never a dull moment when you have a Hedgehog Rescue but it’s great to meet some wonderful people, firstly Joanne and Nev, Community Spirit for a wonderful donation, Lorraine Elliott for her support with the rescue and not forgetting June who has been a wonderful friend and supporter, and of course I can’t forget Pat and Fred for their friendship and support with some beautiful babies that need to be overwintered. Any hog under 300g won’t be released until spring now.
We have one beautiful female that will have to stay with us for the foreseeable, Hattie, brought in today with some nasty wounds to the back of her neck, she will need to heal and the added complications are that all her spines will fall out, these are her only form of defence, we don’t want to release in the middle of winter, whatever the size of the hog! Thank you Lesley and Steve for bringing her in and the very kind donation.
Can I mention to all readers that marking wild hedgehogs, when they visit gardens, is not in the hedgehogs best interests, a clearly marked hog that we can see, predators can also see and move in to attack them, adults babies and juveniles alike don’t stand a chance against magpies, crows or anything else. These poor hedgehogs have enough to contend with as it is, without us making their lives even more challenging.
Here is another date for your diary, on Saturday 4th of December this Rescue is having a Christmas Fair at the Scout Hall in the afternoon, 1-5 pm.
You can ring BHPS on 01584 890801 or, Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel on Facebook.