Dear Sir,
The underpass on Meadowfield Way was set alight on November 5th last year. This was highlighted by a concerned member of the public at Horndale Residents Association’s December meeting.
County Councillors John Clare, Joan Gray, Mike Dixon and the Association have been pushing for the works to start, but seven months on and nothing has been done.
The reasons given vary including that cleaning could not be done in January, February and March because the water used may freeze and become a hazard. What happens if it snows or rains during these months? Another reason is that new lights are being designed for all underpasses and when new lights are fitted, pressure washing and painting will be done. Surely this is the wrong way round, you wouldn’t paint a ceiling then strip wallpaper with a steamer.
Residents young and old feel intimidated and unsafe using these underpasses and are crossing the busy road instead. One resident reported  being blocked in by youths and was very scared for his wellbeing.
I asked in February if the underpass could be at least cleaned, as it serves several infant and junior schools, a nursing home and is used by dog walkers and people going to from the town centre.
John Reed head of technical services Durham County Council said the new lighting has been designed and is being made by a local company, cleaning and painting will start in the next few weeks and this underpass is first on the list. Let’s see how long this takes.
Philip Clark, Chairman,
Horndale Residents Association


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