A number of people have come forward interested in forming a Residents’ Association for the Neville Parade area. They recognise the benefits it will bring as it will open up opportunities to influence decision making. It will also bring the community together for social activities  and outings funded by outside sources. The offer of Neville Parade as Headquarters for the Association is fantastic and should bring greater use of these magnificent community premises.

You just have to look at the success of other associations already set up in Newton Aycliffe to recognise their value to residents. The Neville Parade areas is shown on the map above and  includes Aycliffe Business Park. It is important residents express their support for this new association by volunteering to serve on the organising committee. If sufficient people come forward an Inaugural Meeting will be called in the summer to form the Association. If you are interested please contact the Chairman of Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association, Syd Howarth at Newton Press, Tel: 01325 300212 or e-mail: syd@newtonpress.net