Over the last few months we have been very busy. We have had some interesting speakers, including Chris Lloyd talking about the Darlington connection with the suffragettes and an ornithologist talked about bird ringing. At our A.G.M last month I was re-elected as President at Newton Aycliffe WI. I hope we can have another successful year.
At our meeting on Tuesday 14th May we have a speaker coming from ‘Daft as a Brush’ cancer care. It is always moving to hear about the work they do.
Recently we had an excursion to Ushaw college to see the wedding dress exhibition. It was interesting to see how they have changed over the years and what a beautiful building. Well worth a visit. We have also been entertained by a Ukelele band and had supper, hosted by a neighbouring WI, another fun evening. We have recently been to the Darlington Hippodrome theatre to see ‘Kinky Boots’. A great time was had by all. We have a trip to Kirkleatham Hall coming up and others in the pipeline.
In the community we will be on hand to supply refreshments at the upcoming petting zoo. Come along and sample our pies and cakes with a cuppa. We hope to see you there.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at St Clare’s church hall at 7pm. Any ladies will be made welcome. If you have any questions or queries, please call me on 07981 992686.
President Christine Robinson.