On Tuesday 8th July, one week before the main event, a group of young people involved in this year’s ‘Cutting Loose’ gave a surprise performance in Newton Aycliffe Town Centre to promote their event – flash mob style!
Members of the public looked puzzled by the presence of brass instruments being carried by their fellow shoppers, but all become clear as they started to play and dancers gave a performance in the centre of the town. This was a sneak preview of the show these fantastic young performers will be a part of on Tuesday 15th July.
Cutting Loose 2014 has involved more than 20 groups of young people and members of the community in creative development, production and performance – the sounds of brass will fill West Park for our extravaganza – with the aim of cheering up the grumpy King of the Boggles!
If you missed our Flash Mob, or want to see more of this fantastic performance, we hope that Newton Aycliffe will come out in force on Tuesday 15th July, 6pm, Boating Lake (West Park), to support the young people and to experience a fantastic live performance of music and arts! The event is free, and will include some activity in the park just beforehand.
The project has been funded by GAMP AAP, Great Aycliffe Town Council, Livin, East Durham Trust and Greenfield Arts. It has been developed and managed by Greenfield Arts and is being directed by Unfolding Theatre.
For more information please visit our website www.greenfield-arts.co.uk

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