Girlguiding Newton Aycliffe Division are celebrating yet another Rainbow Leader completing her Adult Leadership Qualification.  Gemma Grayson, Assistant Leader at 1st Newton Aycliffe Rainbow Unit, received her badge and certificate from Division Commissioner, Becci Barnett on Saturday 21st June at the Darlington Arena (Mowden Rugby Club).
Three town Brownie Units were present to witness the event as they were all attending the second Big Brownie Birthday Sleepover organised by Girlguiding Durham South County to celebrate the Brownies 100th Birthday.
All of Newton Aycliffe’s Brownie Units were able to attend the events over two weekends thanks to the funding secured from GAMP at the local participatory budgeting event.
To register girls for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or the Senior Section please log on to and select your preferred unit.  Adult volunteers should register via the same website.
Girlguiding has a specific programme, the Senior Section, for 14-25 year olds that welcomes them as volunteers (particularly useful for developing skills in leadership, organisation, administration or childcare) and invites them to participate in all sorts of awards and experiences for self development and FUN.
For local information please contact Becci Barnett, Division Commissioner on 01325 311204.

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