Greenfield Arts are leading a project which will celebrate the rich heritage of Shildon and culminate in an installation which reflects the many stories and experiences of the people of Shildon and surrounding areas.
Project leaders Katy Milne, Director of Greenfield Arts and designer, Nic Golightly, have been organising drop-in sessions and finding out wonderful stories that will inspire a final piece of art to be installed at Shildon Railway station in Spring 2020.
They have been part of local events and experiences around Shildon, hearing from the amazing people who live in the area and have tales to tell about Shildon’s  significant heritage.  Katy and Nic are now bringing together their research to inform the final Shildon Station designs.  The images will be developed in the new year and the new artwork/design will be created in the spring.
The project is supported by Northern Heartlands which is one of 16 Great Place Schemes in England, funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England and the Bishop Rail Community Partnership. The Bishop Line is the railway line which runs between Darlington and Bishop Auckland. The service is designated by the Department for Transport as Community Rail. Follow our blog to find out more or contact Greenfield Arts for further information