Eco-coin Trail at St. Francis’ Junior School
As part of our Eco-mission to make our planet a better place, we held a coin trail. Each class were tasked with collecting as much loose change as possible to then create a train of coins around our school playground. The money raised would go towards adopting an animal for school, this would allow us to find out more about some of our beautiful animals that are unfortunately close to extinction.
We worked together to get the trail to reach all corners of our playground, which we succeeded in! Once the trail was complete, the staff collected and counted our raised funds. We are very pleased to announce that we raised a whopping £84! This will hopefully allow us to adopt more than one animal and support such fantastic causes.
Well done to all the families here at St. Francis’ for once again showing how together, we can achieve such wonderful, world changing things. Thank you to our families for your continuous support. Watch this space for upcoming news about our adopted animals!