Dear Sir,
While redeveloping my garden I needed to remove a large beautiful Robinia Bush which cost me £50 some years ago. Not wanting to throw it away I offered it to the Town Council thinking how nice it would look in West Park and to help all the voluntary work there.
My offer was refused and I was informed it was the wrong time of the year to replant yet Garden Centres are selling them now for planting.
I then asked if the Civic Pride Team would take it away for me and this request was refused.
I was under the impression the Town Council provided this service to keep the town clean and tidy.
It appears the rates go up, but services offered are reduced. Should I have just dumped the bush on the roadside as others do?
In the end I had to cut up and destroy a perfectly good bush with lots of good growth in it.
George Smith
Stephenson Way


Reply from Town Clerk

While the Council appreciates the offer of the Robinia Bush, and indeed donations of conifers in pots etc have been accepted from residents in the past, unfortunately the replanting of a shrub or tree dug up in summer would have a very low success rate.  Garden Centres will be selling trees/shrubs grown in tubs specifically for replanting, however even these have a better chance of survival if planted during Autumn to early Spring.
As such, the Council staff involved declined the offer.
The Council, through its Town Pride Team or other works staff have never offered a garden waste collection service.  Garden waste may be disposed of via Durham County Council garden waste bin or taken to the waste transfer station in Newton Aycliffe.
Andrew Bailey, Town Clerk