As October half term gets closer, four Community Venues in Newton Aycliffe have been working together to encourage young people and families to be creative and join in The Big Draw.
Agnew Community Centre, Woodham Community Centre, Greenfield Arts and Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre have organised a range of creative activities for young people and families across October (which is family learning month), November and December 2013.
Part of the programme of activity is “The Big Draw” with drawing activity taking place as part of Greenfield Arts’ family fun days on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October.
As a pre-cursor to this the four community venues are hosting a “Big Draw” competition, asking young people of Aycliffe to “Draw the Future.” We are interested to see what the future might hold for the area!
To enter the competition, and win some art prizes, visit one of the four community venues and pick up a form, which can be returned to any of the venues. For more information, including the full family learning month programme visit


the big draw web