We are told boundaries are an important part of our identity and the relationship we have with others. But how about the relationship we have with ourselves; what boundaries do we put in place to ensure we can obtain and maintain a sustainable level of self respect and peace of mind? The relationship we have with ourselves is often the most neglected, as we treat ourselves in a way we would never dream of treating someone we love and care for. It’s like we save all the good stuff for others, and begrudgingly allow ourselves to settle for whatever is left.
We are a product of generational influences, conditioning and imposed family beliefs and values, so any thought of self discovery may only be possible when we are able to identify and accept the creative nature of life and the formative influences that unknowingly shaped our lives. The dream only appears real while you are in the midst of the dream state experience, when you wake you become aware of the ‘awakened reality’. Recognising yourself as a product of your environment, you can, if you wish to do so, begin to question the authenticity of the person you have become, and the person you have come to identify as self.
We are not the roles we play; they, like our names, are simply expressions of who we believe ourselves to be, but authenticity and identity are two totally different things, but unless we can begin to question the who, what, why, where and when, we may never discover who and what we really are. The person who, for no fault of their own, lies hidden beneath the veneered persona created and maintained by habit, rituals and routines, in the misguided belief their crafted reality is the only option available, and their comfort zone becomes even more enticing.
Authenticity is an unknown quantity and, until we find the courage to step out from behind the limitations and constraints set in place as foundations to form our future development, we will never get the opportunity to meet and get to know our true self, or truthfully answer, when asked who are you?
Little Buddah