The Student Newshounds at Greenfield Community College are once again working their magic as they celebrate and report on all that is good about school life at Greenfield. The group of students have had their noses to the ground working creatively with filmmaker Laura Degnan to make and release their own stop-motion animated film.

The Newshounds have been professional, enthusiastic and creative coming up with ideas and contributing to all elements of the process. Laura was amazed at their contribution, “The young people’s enthusiasm made this project an absolute pleasure to work on. Each student was brimming with brilliant ideas and a passion to explore and experiment to make the film the very best that it could be. I’m really looking forward to seeing what the impressive Newshounds group does next!”

The film has just had its first screening at a prestigious educational conference entitled ‘Pure Imagination’ where Executive Headteacher Mr David Priestley wowed the audience of 1000 educationalists with the insightful work of the students at Greenfield. The film was very well received by the audience and the school has since received messages congratulating the imaginative work from the students and admiration for the film.

Katy Milne, Director of Arts and Creativity at Greenfield Arts who has been leading the project was very proud of the young people. “The animation is superb. It speaks from the voice of the young people and reflects the creative, caring and inclusive organisation that it is. I’m so proud of the students and have enjoyed working with them on this and any other outstanding pieces of work they have realised recently.”