Greenfield Community College’s Young Sports Leaders planned and delivered another high quality event for year 2 students before half term.  Local students took part in a range of skills and sporting challenges to develop their fundamental movement skills and co-ordination.  Activities included golf, tennis, jumping, aiming, throwing, catching, running and boccia challenges.  Great fun was had by all.
Throughout the morning Greenfield Young leaders were a credit to themselves and the school, as were the year 2 pupils who took part.  Greenfield’s Young Leaders demonstrated a range of important life skills and abilities, including creativity, in the challenges they designed and great empathy and support for the young people they were working with.
It was a great pleasure to see important attributes such as communication and confidence develop throughout the day, alongside the enthusiasm, determination and commitment of all involved. Well done to St Joseph’s who finished first and well done to all who took part.

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