With the recent Government report into school sport and physical education criticising some aspects of PE delivery in UK schools, Woodham Academy PE Teacher,  Jon Tait was recently asked by local and international press for his views.

This follows the significant work that the Sports Academy has been undertaking in using sport as a vehicle to raise achievement in school and which has gained national recognition.

Since the report was published two weeks ago, Jon was contacted by local Radio station Radio Tees together with two American websites wishing to gain reaction to the report. Jon appeared live on Radio Tees along with a video interview by an American Physical Education website that streamed the interview live over the internet.

Jon defended physical education in schools by saying it is in safe hands in the North East” and that “the many creative and innovative ways in which teachers are now teaching is helping to raise performance on the sports fields and in the classrooms around the region”. When asked on his views about the Government criticism that Physical Education is not strenuous enough, Jon’s response was simple “At Woodham Academy we have developed 2 Olympians and 2 Premier League Footballers in the last 10 years, so we can’t be doing that badly!”.

Jon’s work with Physical Education and the global links he is establishing is already creating huge benefits for the students of Woodham with links being established with schools across the world.

The latest project has seen dancers from Woodham Academy collaborate on a live dance project with students from a school in Wisconsin, America, via a live Skype video link.