Over 100 teachers from across the North East came to Woodham Academy last Thursday evening to take part in the ‘Woodham TeachMeet’ event. The event was designed for teachers to come and share their good practice and learn from highly skilled classroom practitioners. Teachers sign up to present to the audience or just sit and take notes.

Out of the 12 presenters on the evening, 5 were from Woodham Academy presenting and sharing their outstanding practice from the classroom. Although teachers came from all over the North East to attend, the event was also followed by teachers from all over the world via a live Twitter feed. Teachers from America, Australia and New Zealand, as well as here in the UK followed the event with great interest and sent tweets and messages into the event during the evening.

Organiser of the hugely successful evening, Woodham Academy’s Assistant Headteacher Jon Tait commented “This has been an outstanding display of enthusiastic teachers sharing good practice with one another. Teachers have already done a day’s work before they have come here tonight and this shows our commitment to improving the education opportunities for the students in our schools.”

Jon also commented on how pleasing it had been to have so many interested teachers across the world looking in.  “To know that there have been hundreds of teachers across the globe following our TeachMeet event tonight is amazing. It shows the quality of the staff we have here tonight and that their experience, knowledge and innovation is a sought after commodity the world over.”