Our next meeting is on Tuesday 20th February
2024 at 6.45pm at Neville Community Centre, Neville Parade.
This is a relaxed open meeting for anyone living in Newton Aycliffe and surrounding villages. Coffee, tea and biscuits are freely available along with free cleaning products and personal hygiene items.
At the meeting you can also find out what activities, trips and events we having coming up in the next few months.
Our next trip will be to Raby Castle on Wednesday 20th March. The bus will leave the bus stop outside Neville Parade Methodist Church at 10.30am and leave Raby Castle at 3pm. Cost is £5 per person.
Our next event is a Live Music afternoon with Giorgio on Wednesday 27th March 2024 at Neville Community Centre from 1.30pm. Cost is £5 per person and includes coffee and cake.
Please contact Heather Brewster on 07751 385250 to book your seats.
Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you on 20th February.
Neville Community Association