At St. Joseph’s, we recognise the importance of our children’s mental health so we have teamed up with Go Well to blend the positive powers of physical activity and mental well-being techniques to improve the lives of all involved.
This week, children in Key Stage 2 began Go Well’s ‘Team Up Kids’ programme. Over the next six weeks, they will learn about some of the things they can do to create the following chemicals:
• Serotonin (which makes you feel a
boost of happiness)
• Norepinephrine (which boost attention
and concentration)
• Oxytocin (which makes you feel more
• Melatonin (which helps you to have a
good night’s sleep)
Across the sessions, the children will be introduced to the Brainy Bunch which are a quirky, fun family of characters developed by Hannah Bell Clarity as a way of helping them to understand what is going on inside their brains.
One of the Year 6 pupils said, “It’s really interesting. I’ve learnt a lot of things that I can use in school and at home.”
Another stated, “I really enjoyed learning about how the brain works. It was fun when we had to make our own clap rhythms. We are going to be finding out about a new character next week.”
We are really looking forward to the next six weeks and hope that the programme makes a difference to the lives of our children. Thank you Go Well for supporting us with this.