160+ dancers from Aycliffe Dance Academy are preparing to take to the stage this weekend with their 13th dance production ‘Reach Out & Dance!’ Children as young as 2 and a half right up to adults will be performing a variety of dance styles to popular music from Billy Elliot, SIX The Musical, Ariana Grande, Calamity Jane, The Greatest Showman, Beyonce and much, much more! There literally is something for everyone!
If you know someone who is a part of ADA or if you’re looking for yourself or your child to join a professional local dance school or you just want some great entertainment, get yourself along. The show is taking place this weekend on Saturday 15th July at 6pm and Sunday 16th July at 1pm and 5pm at the Forum Theatre in Billingham. Tickets are £12 an adult and £10 a child and can be bought from the Forum Theatre website: www.forumtheatrebillingham.co.uk or from the Box Office in person just before the show. If you would like to find out further information about this event or what Aycliffe Dance Academy has to offer, please head over to their Facebook page.
Emma, the Dance Principal, would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the local businesses who’ve helped ADA with their fundraising for this year’s show – allowing all of their dancers to shine on stage! Your help and support has been greatly appreciated.