Dear Sir,

My quandary with this election is that I want neither of the two main parties to win. Neither represents the best solution to my Country’s problems, future prosperity or ability to determine our own future. Neither of these two parties are fully, openly honest.

My MP’s flyer says he wants re-election to ‘continue to fight for you’, he didn’t – so I won’t. For the record, my Oxford Dictionary defines a delegate as a ‘chosen representative’ so, despite protestations, he is my only ‘both’.

References to austerity ignore that it resulted from the profligacy of the Blair/Brown New Labour years leaving the Country broke, needing painful correction. Worse are the impractical, unaffordable promises made by his Party. The manifesto cannot be fulfilled and will run us into worse debt than the last Labour experience!


The prospective Conservative candidate, an ex-Accountant, should be a useful asset. But I don’t believe his Party manifesto. His boss says ‘the deal’ is done, cooked, ready to pop in the microwave. It isn’t. There is a long way to go. Not all in the ‘deal’ is known. His claim of a Free Trade Agreement by June greatly conflicts with Barnier’s estimate of three years. Promises roll off tongues – in all Parties – without regard to truth or practicality. All bribe us with our own money.

If these benefits are not Election ‘bribes’ why were they not implemented last year? They insult us. The raising of the NI level will actually benefit a worker by some £80/90 not the £500 bandied around for some time in the future – perhaps.

What about the £500 billion (£500 billion) we are to sign up to as Guarantors which continues beyond the Transition period? Then we are to pay a divorce settlement, plus £1 billion a month, obey EU rules (including new ones) with no say in any proceedings.

No thanks Boris. That is capitulation not leaving ‘Getting Brexit Done’ for an ego trip.

The best, most sensible, most affordable manifesto I have read is the Brexit Party ‘Contract’. It’s good sense, without bribery, sadly the Sedgefield candidate may be an ‘outsider’, although time may tell a different story.

I think the best result would be a hung Parliament. We are all sick, not necessarily of Brexit, but the political gyrations, posturing and lies surrounding it. True, a hung Parliament will have it’s problems, but – so would a Conservative majority giving Boris a full head of steam, at a whim – so would a Labour majority giving Jeremy unlimited room to dither; or not, on a whim.

Very beneficial to have a hand brake or an anchor to chuck overboard.

Douglas Whittaker