Humorous situations involving an unlucky car salesman will feature as part of a car retailer’s major new video campaign.

SG Petch, which has showrooms across the North East and Yorkshire, has created and commissioned the production of a series of fun films based around a haplessly unlucky salesman constantly trying to make a sale.

The first episode, Unlucky Galore, promises a James Bond theme, with later films introducing love, heartbreak, intrigue and jealousy as the series continues.

All six films have been produced by Newton Aycliffe-based Anson Corporate Media and will be distributed throughout the media as well as being uploaded online, with plans already underway to launch a second series of videos in the near future.

Jon Wright, marketing manager at SG Petch, said: “The theme running through all the videos is the poor old unlucky salesman. What does every car salesman want to do? Sell cars. Wouldn’t it be frustrating if every time, just when you think you’ve got a sale in the bag, something or someone gets in the way?”

Lawrence Conyers, owner of Anson Corporate Media, added: “It’s been huge fun to produce and a pleasure working with SG Petch who have embraced the concept and that means we can make it work. It’s also allowed me to give quite a bit more creative freedom to the writer-director element of what I do.”

To view the first video in the series please visit: