Feastland, Aycliffe’s own meals on wheels service, is celebrating its 4th Anniversary of providing hot meals delivered on a daily basis 365 days a year, to Aycliffe’s residents. When it was started by owner Lesley, it was part of the FeastLand shop at Neville Parade.
The shop closed down last year when the area was redeveloped as the disturbance caused by the contractors killed off the foot trade. A similar thing is being echoed in the main town centre at the moment.
The meals on wheels service survived as this is totally a delivery service and doesn’t rely on people being able to access the shop, other than Michael who ran it for a while. Lesley is back running the service now and it is going from strength to strength. When I spoke to Lesley about the service she said “I like visiting the customers, everyone is very friendly and I am sometimes the only person some of the customers see that day”.
Lesley has acted as a rescue service on a number of occasions, when sometimes she has found that her customers had a fall etc. and she has been able to alert their family and call them an ambulance or doctor.
The Meals On Wheels menu is printed every week on the front page of the Newton News and she also prints larger copies and delivers it her regulars and anyone else that requests one.
You can contact Lesley on 01325 300203 for more details.

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