Members of the town’s Rotary Club are shown here loading Christmas Hampers for Aycliffe’s needy families. Tesco provided the hampers at a very good price and packed them ready for delivery to Social Services who deliver them to those families facing difficulties over Christmas.

The money raised to buy the hampers came from the Rotary Club collection in store and touring the streets with Santa’s Sleigh.

Roger Curtis thanked the Manager Martin Butcher and in particular Shirley Cormack Store Community Champion for organising everything in the store. Rotary Club President Roger Curtis said: “Tesco has made the job so much easier for the club and provided goods at a special price for which we are very grateful.

The co-operation we receive from Tesco is invaluable and we are more than grateful for the special relationship we have with the Management and staff. Our biggest thanks goes to all those who contributed to the Rotary appeal. Though times are hard Newtonians demonstrated their uusal generosity”.