As readers know, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) started phasing in Universal Credit (UC) Full Service in County Durham by Jobcentre Plus area from October last year.

On 20 June, the final areas to go onto ‘full service’ UC will be Chester-le-Street, Durham, Newton Aycliffe and Spennymoor.

The UC Full Service will replace new claims across the county for the following means-tested benefits and tax credits for most working age people:

• Income Support

• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

• Housing Benefit

• Working Tax Credit

• Child Tax Credit

Existing claimants of means-tested benefits will move onto UC if they have an appropriate change in their circumstances, otherwise they will not be moved over until a later date.

It means big changes for those affected, as UC is claimed online and paid monthly in arrears into a bank account. Claimants receiving help with their rent will receive this as part of their UC and will be responsible for paying their landlord.


DCC are continuing to work with the DWP, community and voluntary groups, landlords and housing providers to ensure residents are aware of the changes and how this will impact on them.

In addition, DCC Customer Services has appointed digital support assistants to help people who have difficulty making their online claims. They also offer personal budgeting support where needed and when people are referred to us by their DWP work-coach.

Our Customer Services Teams are also working closely with Welfare Rights and Citizens Advice in relation to debt advice and support.


You can also find more information on Universal Credit by visiting our web pages at

There is a ‘postcode finder’ tool on these pages which can be used to help customers find local computer facilities and also where they can get support to help them make a claim.


• Universal Credit Helpline: 0800 328 5644

• Durham County Council Customer Services Team: 03000 260 000

• Durham County Council Welfare Rights Team: 03000 268 968

• Citizens Advice County Durham: 0300 323 2000