Lower key stage 2 pupils from Stephenson Way Community Primary visited Tesco last week as part of the “Farm to Fork” initiative.
On arrival, the children were invited to pick some fruit from the selection on offer to Tesco customers. These were set aside for a taster session later in the afternoon, during which the children were also taught information on where each of the fruits were grown and how the company transports them.
The children were invited behind the scenes at the store bakery, to see which ingredients go into their range of baked products, and how different preparation and cooking techniques produce the large variety of bread and other baked goods available to purchase each day.
At the fish counter, the children were able to see a fishmonger at work. They were taught about the many varieties of fish, how they are caught and what they are good to eat with.
Next, they stopped at the cheese counter to see the amazing range of cheeses on offer. The staff explained how cheese was made and where the different varieties originated. Children were then able to sample different cheeses to taste the difference for themselves!
Throughout the afternoon, staff tested the children’s knowledge of different produce, with the children being asked to identify which animals certain foodstuffs come from or how and where certain fruits and vegetables were grown.
The event proved a real eye-opener for some children who hadn’t previously considered what goes on before the food can get to their plate. The children would like to thank the staff for an interesting, valuable and enjoyable afternoon.


stephenson way school