In Photo: Officers of GACAP: Steve Mitton, Liane Taylor, Joan Clark, Susan Sadler and Ron Mitchie

The MAD Choir have donated £700, the proceeds from their Concert at the Phoenix Club last week, to Great Aycliffe Community Aid Partnership.
Choir Founder Sonia Scott handed over the cheque to Syd Howarth in time for the AGM held this week at DISC premises next to the Blue Bridge.
Syd the founder of GACAP thanked the choir for the donation and for all their charity work over many years.
GACAP will use the cash to support the partners of the organisation in their work helping disadvantaged people in our community.
if you are engaged in a voluntary or statutory welfare organisation in the Aycliffe area and want to be part of GACAP, contact the Chairman Steve Mitton on 01388 721509.
Steve was re-elected as Chairman along with Susan Sadler, Co-Chairman, Treasurer Liane Taylor and Secretary Ron Mitchie with Asst. Secretary Joan Clark.
The AGM was very well attended and partners took time after the meeting to network.