As part of the ongoing global educational links being developed at Woodham Academy, some year 7 students were given the opportunity to be taught by American students last week.

Using the digital infrastructure in place at Woodham, the students were able to set up a live video call into Merton Intermediate School in Wisconsin, America. During the call, students from a Physical Education class at Merton School taught and demonstrated how to perform skills and techniques related to Jump Rope.

American schools teach Jump Rope as part of their physical education curriculum and it is a similar activity to skipping, but with tricks, skills and teamwork on long and short ropes.

Assistant Head Teacher, Jon Tait, who coordinated the activity commented “This has been a wonderful experience for our students. To form global links with schools many thousand miles away is fantastic. Our students have really benefited from the American students’ expertise today and have seen how this can be a key part of healthy physical exercise”.

The video link was also watched by members of a school PE department from Sheffield who had travelled to Woodham for the day to see how the PE Department utilised digital technology in their lessons.

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