Children from Timothy Hackworth Primary School’s Attendance Working Party continue to spread the word to their fellow friends and their families about the importance of having the right to an education and coming to school every day.

The children meet regularly, alongside other children and adults, to discuss their ideas about the importance of attending school each day. They recently organised a spectacular Movie Night for those children with good attendance. They have designed special medals and posters for classrooms and continue to talk to everyone about the right to learn.

Isaac said, “In the Attendance Group meetings we use our pupil voice to come up with ideas.”

Cameron’s comment was also on point, “I love learning and sharing ideas.”

Parents, Governors and staff also meet regularly to share their very creative ideas to reinforce the children’s messages.

The children are certainly using their Pupil Voice to share the very important message about children coming to school every day. Well done to the Timothy Hackworth Attendance Working Party!