Throughout the economic downturn, one company has been helping local families in Durham put extra cash in their pockets. Bradford based Study Links International has been giving families the chance to earn extra money by offering Homestay and hosting students from Durham School, Barnard Castle and Durham University. Homestay families provide a warm, welcoming household for international students whilst they are in the UK. Hosting students fits around current commitments as it can be a full time role or you can host short term boarding school students who just need Homestay for a week or two during school holidays. Homestays are required to provide a clean home, bedroom and up to three meals a day. They should also be willing to welcome an international student in their family life, speak to them in English and involve them in social and family activities. Becoming a Homestay is a wonderful opportunity to share our great British culture and at the same time learn about other cultures from around the world. Homestays also get paid a generous allowance which in most cases is tax free as the government’s Rent a Room Scheme allows you to earn up to £7,500 per year tax-free from being a Homestay. Dianne Senior, Operations Lead at Study Links International, says; “There is no blueprint for the perfect Homestay: single, couple or family; young, middle-aged or retired; any race, creed or colour – as long as you are a caring person with a genuine interest in the students that you host, you will be perfect!” If you think you are too old to host a student, think again! Many Homestay families are retired people with lovely homes and loving friendships to offer. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the experience can be very rewarding for families who have children of their own as students are often very willing to teach your children about their country as well as being a positive role model and inspiration to your children. To find out more contact Study Links International on 01274 679710 or