Can You Contribute?

Dear Sir, For most of us Christmas brings up happy memories of time spent with friends and family. However, for many, Christmas represents a sad and lonely time. At that time of year many of the services and support groups people usually rely on, take a much-needed break. so the happy, smiling world can often seem an even lonelier place. With your help the “Helping Hands” ministry in Aycliffe and members of Life Church are committed to changing that this year. If you are going to be alone around Christmastime or even if you are a single parent who finds this time of the year daunting because of financial problems, then we’d love to hear from you by letting us know now! Phone or text 07936 431262 or you can e-mail lifeline.action@ and we will get back in touch with you.  We offer a friendly confidential service and we are planning a Christmas Meal on Saturday 17th December at 1pm at Woodham Golf & County Club with a special performance from Cockerton Silver Bank. It really is going to be a remarkable event… please doesn’t miss out if you’d like an invitation.  It’s going to be like one big family party with lots of friendship, fun and laughter, and one or two surprises. Are you in a fortunate position to be able to support our Christmas Lunch for those who are alone or maybe can’t afford Christmas? Join the Helping Hands team to make Christmas a better time for all.  We urgently need money to make it all happen and to provide transport so we can get people to and from the venue.  Please call us now on 07936 431262 or e-mail lifeline. Thank you so very much, Susan Sadler Founder – Lifeline Community Action