Ukraine Appeal
For the last few weeks there has been a tremendous response for the people of Ukraine and I am proud that residents from my Ward have risen to the challenge. Numerous bags of clothing, medical supplies and equipment have been handed in. More recently the demand for clothing has been replaced by the need for money which can be spent locally on goods and equipment that are desperately needed.
To help, Piercebridge held a coffee morning at St. Mary’s Church and raised £510, an incredible amount of money from such a small village. In Heighington our Village Hall donated over £700 following a delicious Saturday lunch, well attended by lots of local people and from a house to house collection, which I hurriedly put together with 16 volunteers – we raised another £5571 from Heighington Parish, including Redworth. To the generous donors, the enthusiastic collectors and to the three volunteers who came forward to count the money raised – a BIG thank you.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations Saturday, 4th June
Many villages throughout the Ward are meeting to organise the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations and I am pleased to report that Heighington is well down the road towards another day to remember for all of the people of the Parish. Without going into details we intend the celebrations to start at 1.30pm, ending late afternoon, with a short break before starting again in the evening with live music for all to enjoy.
There will be something for everyone from displays in the Village Hall, an interesting video of the television programme, Britain’s Most Perfect Village, with refreshments courtesy of the WI, to a Grand Village Picnic on the green featuring music, games for children, tug of war, children’s Scout activities, football skills, creative engagement with the little ones thanks to Philippa Cunliffe and a joyous sing-a-long at the end of the afternoon – more details to follow.
The evening event will be arranged by Allison McKay and will feature Haley and other entertainers that will have you rocking on the green, more details to follow.
Second Session – Queen’s Jubilee Sponsorship
As organisers we are keen to make the 2022 Jubilee Celebrations a day that will rival the original 1952 party. So, if anyone would like to sponsor this wonderful village event please contact me on 314622, 07876 216182 or
Queen’s Celebrations Street Parties
My hard working carrier pigeons have brought me messages saying that many parishioners are planning their own Street Party which is wonderful. I am sure that your party will add to the merriment of the occasion but can I ask you all politely to organise your street party for the Sunday afternoon so that our events on the Saturday do not clash with your own event. It would be really good if we could have as many people from the Parish as possible turn out on Heighington village green on the Saturday for one BIG party – and then why not have a second on the Sunday in your street?
Egg Rolling Tradition
On Easter Sunday, around 10.30am, the village will maintain the annual tradition of egg rolling on the green outside of the Village Hall. Eggs to roll down the hill will be handed out, although you can use your own as long as it is not reinforced with a brick, and prizes are awarded to the child who can roll their egg the furthest, subject to the decision of the judge, Ruth Lee. This is a fun activity with Mams and Dads having a go, so do try to come along as I can assure you your child will enjoy the event.
Even better than just coming to the egg rolling why not come into our 12th century church before the egg rolling competition and join in the 9.30am Easter Service – you will be more than welcome.
Councillor Gerald G. Lee