Durham Constabulary continues to be the top performing Force in the country after receiving the highest possible grade by inspectors.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has today published the latest findings for police efficiency, which is part of the rolling annual PEEL programme of inspections (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy), and looks at how efficient forces are at keeping people safe and reducing crime

This efficiency inspection was broken down to three areas. Durham Constabulary was graded “outstanding” – the highest grade – in each area.

Only two Forces from 43 across England and Wales received an overall grading of “outstanding” – Durham being one.

The HMIC report said: “The constabulary understands the costs of the provision of police services. It consistently reviews how it can improve efficiency without reducing its service to the public.”

It added: “Durham Constabulary’s plans for the future are well developed and ambitious. They make realistic assumptions based on comprehensive information about the future demand for policing and the resources to meet these.”

Durham currently holds an ‘outstanding’ grade for being Effective (keeping people safe and reducing crime) and a ‘good’ grade for legitimacy.

As a result it continues to be the best performing force in the country.

Chief Constable Mike Barton said: “To say I am delighted would be an understatement.

“In a climate of austerity we have proved that you can still achieve great things with fantastic people who are empowered to be creative and push the boundaries of what is possible.

“I am especially pleased because we are not only ‘outstanding’ at managing our resources, but we are also ‘outstanding’ at catching criminals and making our communities safer.

“I would like to thank everyone who works or volunteers for Durham Constabulary as well as the partner agencies who work with us. We are in such an enviable position and they should take the credit.

“However, we will not rest on our laurels and will continue to deliver the best service we can for the people of County Durham and Darlington.”

Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner Ron Hogg said, “I am delighted that for the second year in a row, Durham Constabulary has been given the highest possible rating for efficiency by HMIC. This is a tremendous tribute to everyone at the Force.

“The report shows that in Durham we have built a strong foundation to combat the changing nature of crime and keep communities safe. This is down to the creativity, drive and leadership shown by members of the force at every level.

“However we do not rest on our laurels – we know that there are still things we can be better at and will continue to learn from other forces so that we can deliver an outstanding service to the public.”