During September, Chilton Community Sports and Social Club are hosting two charity events in aid of Cancer charities. The first is on Friday 22nd September and will be held in the concert hall, the acts performing are – Danny Adams and Clive Webb from TV and Newcastle Theatre, the Towns very own ‘Brenda Collins’ and Friends, finishing the night off will be Howie B an excellent singer and entertainer – they are all doing this free of charge. Admission is £5 and tickets are available from the Club, the Post Office, or you can pay on the door. There will be bingo, a raffle and tombola, all proceeds will be shared between the charities for Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer and Macmillan Cancer Support. Any donations for either the tombola or raffle will be gratefully received.
The second date is Friday 29th September, this is our regular Macmillan Coffee morning which will be held in the lounge from 10.30 a.m. As always, donations of cake, scones, sweet pies and biscuits will be received with thanks, and all proceeds will be given to the charity.
If any of our Town groups or organisations would like to join us on 29th September, I am sure it would be a great morning to support this worthy cause.