Kindhearted residents at Rose Lodge Care Home have been donating boxes of goodies to some of the world’s most needy children.
Staff and residents at Rose Lodge Care home have taken part in the Children in Distress Love in a Box appeal, which encourages people to fill shoe boxes full of toys, sweets and gifts for children in need.
Crayons, t-shirts, sweets, writing pads, bubbles and balloons were just some of the gifts that went into the 20 shoe boxes that residents put together.
Rose Lodge looks after those with personal care needs and dementia, and took part in the campaign at the suggestion of Newton Aycliffe Methodist Church.
The home enjoys strong links with the church where many residents attend weekly services. The church also regularly visits the home to conduct services and sing hymns with residents.
Home manager Karen Frew-McGill said: “The appeal was one that our residents thought was really worthwhile and they have really enjoyed putting together the shoe boxes and supporting the charity.”


Photo: Claire Stockhill (activities co-ordinator), Julia Gill, Beverly Musgrave, Hannah Pratchett, Lyndsay Farrell, Nicola Wheatley (care team at Rose Lodge) Gwen Morrison (from the Methodist Church), Frank Ruddy, Gladys Stephens and Irene Kell (residents at Rose lodge).