Dear Sir,
I am astounded by the response from my initial letter ‘Is it time for a change’, with regards to the negative town council’s approach to tax payer facilities and the poor financial management, in particular, the Oak Leaf Sports Complex, need I say anymore on that? Other than it has become very obvious that it is now of great debate within our Independent run council, with division in opinion, which doesn’t bode well with a by-election looming.
But what it does show, is a lack of unity with those in control of our hard earned taxes, not only have they fallen asleep at the wheel but, they’re fighting over it too! So I now ask, who is the captain of our ship? Who has charted our course and just where exactly are we heading?
Incidentally, with regards to our financially hemorrhaging Sports Complex, which seems to be the centre of the debate, and is the highest cost to the tax payer, I see that they have recently increased the prices at the bar at a time of much controversy, so not only are we paying more in taxes for this facility, but those who use it are being hit even harder at the till! That’s right, make the people pick up the bill for what seems to be a facility that’s financially spiralling out of control! I’m sure many will agree at a time when there’s a cost of living crisis, this will only discourage custom and result with a big fat negative.
So, I will stress my original point now, be more creative and look for ways of turning it into a positive rather than a negative. Cutting it, slashing it, over funding it, price hiking it or squabbling over it is not a solution…it’s a failure in governance of those we elect. As a taxpayer, long standing resident and voter, this is just not acceptable at any level. From small acorns grow mighty oaks, and we are a town associated with the acorn, so why can’t they grow a mighty OakLeaf, or has the rot set in?
For the final time,
name and address supplied.