On Around Town Aycliffe Radio, on Sunday 3rd September, we were fortunate enough to have Adam and Bill from the Aycliffe Pipe Band as our guests in the studio for the morning show and what an interesting and informative show it was. The pipe band has established itself as an important part of the history of this town, with its reputation known far and wide for their professionalism and commitment to their passion and community spirit.
The band are in demand throughout the region and more and more young people are showing a keen interest and drawn to learn more about the pipe band but, you can’t put an old head on young shoulders and experience takes time to develop and usually comes with practice and guidance from established or retired players willing to take the time to pass on the benefit of their experience and knowledge to future generations.
If you feel you have the time, experience and a willingness to help carry on this important community legacy, please get in touch with Aycliffe Pipe Band on newtonaycliffepipeband1@gmail.com or 07561 013543.
Aycliffe Pipe Band on Aycliffe Radio