Last Monday 10th July, I travelled to Westminster in time for a Delegated Legislation (DL) on Money Laundering before later heading to Mansion House in the City of London for the Chancellor’s speech at the Financial and Professional Services Dinner. This is one of the key speeches the Chancellor gives each year and I was there in my capacity as PPS in Treasury. The speech was well received and indicated changes to reform the Pensions market – potentially unlocking £75billion of investment.
On Tuesday I started with a meeting with a significant potential investor in the North East before calling in to a drop in promoting the application of defibrillators. The debate in the House was the Lords Amendments to The Illegal Migration Bill. This resulted in a series of 18 votes that took close to 3 hours to process (!), I think that was a record number in one evening. This is part of the ‘ping pong’ process between the Commons and the Lords when a disagreement between them occurs. This resulted in these amendments being rebutted by the Commons and they go back to the Lords for them to reconsider. We anticipate their reconsideration will come back to the Commons this week.
Wednesday started with the Transport Select Committee where we had a private briefing on Airspace regulation before heading to the House of Commons Chamber for Prime Minister’s Questions. For the second week in a row, I was able to bob and get a question to the Deputy Prime Minister, this time I asked him to ask the Prime Minister to come to Aycliffe and help celebrate the 75th anniversary of the town. I also asked him to compliment the Howarths on 60 years of this community newspaper. The DPM said he couldn’t speak for the PM but would come himself if the PM wasn’t available. As regards to 60 years of the paper, I was slightly wrong in that it was 60 years of the Newton Press, but it is actually 75 years for Newton News. Later that evening I had the pleasure of attending a hog roast barbecue at No10 along with many others.
Thursday, I had a Question in Transport Orals where I took the opportunity to push the minister on the need to invest in our northeast railways and, in particular, Ferryhill Station and the Leamside line. After this, I headed north for meetings in the Aycliffe office before then going to call at Fishburn Parish Council and then a meeting of Conservative Councillors.
Friday started with a Teams meeting with Durham County Council where we discussed a variety of subjects ranging from ASB to empty housing. I then went to the Great Yorkshire Show in order to engage with the NFU and local farmers. On checking emails, it was disappointing to see one from the Police and Crime Commissioner advising me that – contrary to what I had been told previously – the Police were not all going to be able to stay in the facility at the Fire Station in Aycliffe. I understand the need for the Fire Service to want to reclaim its space for its own needs, but it is not acceptable for any of our Police to be relocated from Aycliffe. I have written to our PCC and the Police Chief expressing this and initiated a petition I would like as many signatures as possible on. Whilst I believe the Police estates team should have been much further ahead of this agenda, we need all possible parties to be as active as possible in finding a resolution. Whether this is any extended capacity the Fire Service can offer or the sourcing of other opportunities with input from DCC or GATC or anyone else, everyone needs to do what they can to help find a way forward that does not result in a reduced Police presence in our town.
On Saturday, I went to the summer fair at Piercebridge where I dodged the heavy rain showers before going to Aycliffe, I had a meeting with the PCC and I stressed the need to resolve the Aycliffe Station issues and she updated me on the options being pursued.
Sunday, I drove down to London ready for our last week before parliamentary recess. Having the car down enables me to bring back some things from the London office we will need in Aycliffe over recess. As I said earlier, this week will see a number of Bills coming back from the Lords to the House that need to be delivered before recess on Thursday. I also hope to give a speech in the Sir David Amess Summer Adjournment debate on Thursday. If you would like to catch up with me over summer recess, then please get in touch at Aycliffe 01325 790580 or Paul.Howell.MP@Parliament.UK