NHS 75th Birthday
This 5th of July is a significant day,
Because for 75 years the NHS has been making headway,
In saving lives and finding cures,
As worried families it has reassured.
Heart transplants, lungs and livers too,
Great health improvements have ensued.
And though today there are some struggles,
We know that they’re still there for our nation’s health troubles.
Nurses, doctors, and every member of staff,
Who have helped through tears to sometimes make us laugh,
Our grateful thanks for holding our hands,
And the quiet reassurance which showed you did understand.
Covid put you all to the test,
We know the long hours you worked as you did your best,
To save the lives of those so ill,
For many your determination and care gave them the will,
To overcome the pandemic’s curse,
Despite the lack of funds in the nurses purse.
Our thanks to those who brought us into the world,
Mended broken bones when from our bikes, as children, we were hurled.
You’ve taken our families from cradle to grave,
Wiped our tears, and helped us be brave
May you always continue to care,
And we pray all of your staff gain a reward that is fair!
MMK 5-7-2023