My new office team and I have been continuing to work hard through the Parliamentary Recess. Although Parliament isn’t sitting, while party conferences take place, working hard for our constituency doesn’t stop.
I’d like to thank Great Aycliffe Town Council for inviting me to speak at their Full Council meeting. It was a good opportunity to formally introduce myself to the council and take questions from councillors from across the political parties. Having previously served as a councillor myself, for eight years, I know the importance of local democracy. In my speech I set out my pride in representing the town I was born and raised in and explained my priorities of jobs, youth opportunities and improving public services. I finished with a call to action to all of us, as public servants – town and county councillors, council officers and parliamentarians, to work together in the national interest to deliver for our community. I’m looking forward to working closely with the council throughout my tenure. Newton Aycliffe is my home, it’s where I grew up and I’m determined to improve our town.
I also had an interesting meeting at the Pioneering Care Partnership in Aycliffe, seeing first-hand their range of integrated health, care and well-being activities. It was great to hear from the Our Options group and hear about the support for adults with additional needs. The centre runs a range of excellent activities, a bustling cafe, as well as hosting GP, nurse and mental health services – please make good use of the centre.
It was a privilege to help host the first Royal visit to the constituency since the General Election. I welcomed HRH the Duke of Edinburgh to the area to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Learning Curve, a recruitment and training company based in Spennymoor which works across the country. They do valuable work helping people into education and employment, well done to Brenda McLeish OBE and her excellent team.
A big priority for me every week is making sure we’re working hard to respond to the emails I receive from constituents, with your issues and concerns. I’ve now completed over 700 individual pieces of casework with my team, helping with a wide range of issues. And, while I’ve only been an MP since July, I’m already seeing some clear patterns – some companies, organisations and government agencies that seem to be getting the same things wrong again and again. I’m arranging meetings with government ministers to flag these problems and ask them to pick up these more systemic issues.
I’ve also been busy holding advice surgeries across our local towns and villages, including my first surgery in Newton Aycliffe town centre. These surgeries are a great opportunity to discuss your concerns and issues face-to-face with me, as your local MP. I’m a firm believer in public service and here to help all residents, so please do get in touch if there’s an issue you need help with. If you would like an appointment at my next surgery, please email me at